Welcome Zaina Orbai — VP of People @Mapbox
By: Eric Gundersen
Zaina Orbai, former VP of Global HR Operations at Yelp, just joined our team as VP of People — laying the foundation for the team during this next phase of growth. During her last 5 years at Yelp, where she started as one of the first experienced HR professionals hired, she built the systems and practices and took care of the team as the company grew from 500 employees pre-IPO to 4,500+ employees today.

Zaina now leads all HR, recruiting, and spaces and employee experience for Mapbox. The combination of Zaina’s business leadership and hands-on experience will allow us to build a People function at scale to make sure our team is well taken care of while we continue to grow.
Welcome Zaina Orbai was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.