We’re celebrating International Women’s Day with our pledge for parity. We pledge to:
- help women and girls achieve their ambitions
- challenge conscious and unconscious bias
- call for gender-balanced leadership
- value all people’s contributions equally
- create inclusive, flexible cultures
Mapbox Ayacucho pledges for parity
Mapbox Bangalore pledges for parity
Mapbox DC pledges for parity
Mapbox SF pledges for parity
To support our pledge we will:
- continue to sponsor women in tech communities and attend events like DCFemTech, Lesbians Who Tech, TechLady hackathons, ProjectCSGirls, ELA Conf, and many more
- stand by our code of conduct for open source
- support mapping efforts like crowd2map Tanzania’s map against female genital mutilation and other causes to help women and girls
- hire for people, not just hard skills, knowing the best team is built of individuals from many backgrounds
- grow our team through mentorship, teaching, and challenging each other
- demand respect, transparency, empathy, and kindness from our team and partners
- follow team policies that clarify and hold us accountable to all of the above
Join us in helping achieve gender parity more quickly with a pledge for parity! Post your selfie on Twitter and cc @Mapbox - we’ll retweet you.