Connect Mapbox accounts to Okta and other enterprise-grade identity solutions

By: Erin Quinn
SAML single sign-on is now available for all customers, enabling teams with multiple users to collaborate more securely on our platform. With SAML authentication, developers can connect their Mapbox account to an enterprise-grade identity solution like Okta.
The means teams with multiple users no longer have to share a password, provide full account access to all users, or change the credentials every time someone leaves the project.

Tell your IT team today
Moving to SAML authentication with your existing identity provider unlocks differentiated roles for users, and plugs Mapbox into your organization’s IT workflows for provisioning and monitoring software access. Many identity providers offer IT teams the ability to review individual user logins for each application with additional information like a timestamp and IP address. This data trail can be immensely helpful for auditing, internal reviews, and more secure collaboration.
Getting started with SSO
Setup takes just a few minutes from your account setting. See our SSO documentation or ask your IT team to reach out to our team for support. Developer Support is free for all accounts — try it out.
SSO is working great for us. Check it out — here’s my Okta tile, I can log in just by clicking. Awesome. We’re eagerly awaiting the more advanced permissions which will allow me the peace of mind I need to provision access to almost 20 people in our organization that should have it: engineers, QA folks, and the team that leads on-call incident response here at Tableau.
— Ryan Whitley, Maps Engineering Manger, Tableau
Configuring user roles
Through SAML SSO you can assign users roles that provide certain permissions for the account app. User roles are assigned in the identity provider and transferred to Mapbox in the SAML assertion. The user roles available in this first release are:

Most identity providers support role assignments for both individuals and teams. If you’re an Okta user, the notes section of their SAML2.0 for Mapbox documentation includes step by step instructions on setting up the user roles.
We’re stoked to get SAML in your hands and continue delivering features that speed up your development process. Check out the docs and the video below about the setup process and get in touch with our Support team if you have questions or feedback about the features you want to see next.
Erin Q. - Product Manager: Billing + Identity Platform - Mapbox | LinkedIn
SAML single sign-on (SSO) public beta was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.