Host a mapping event in your community
By: Mikel Maron
Celebrate Open Data Day on March 3rd, and join or organize one of the dozens of events around the world. We’re proud to support the mini-grants program to help local communities share the benefits of open data, particularly in Open Mapping.
Open Mapping mini-grants can cover events engaging local OpenStreetMap communities, as well as events in partnership with government and nonprofit organizations. The events can be hands-on like mapping parties, workshops, and mapathons that share tools and teach techniques. They can also be more inspirational, generating new ideas to apply Open Mapping to civic engagement, public health, disaster response, urban issues, environment, or any other social impact.
Apply for a mini-grant here, and share updates on your events with the #OpenDataDay and #OpenMapping hashtags. We’re excited to see the events come together on Open Data Day.
Apply for an Open Data Day mini-grant was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.