By Mikel Maron
African leaders meet today in Nairobi to plan and commit to creating and using data to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals so that all are counted. Meanwhile, young people across the continent are gathering to do that counting, by creating OpenStreetMap data to help save the lives of those suffering from HIV/AIDS.
Mapping to in Siaya, Western Kenya for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs
Mapathons were organized by MapGive, YouthMappers, Map Kibera, Ramani Huria and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, in Pretoria, Accra, Dar es Salaam and Nairobi at Young African Leadership Initiative Regional Centers, with support from Mapbox. Young people that take part not only help create vital data, but also engage with their leaders, peers, and civic institutions, and build technical skills.

Data that emerges from these efforts will support the optimization of supply chain logistics and the analysis of clinical site-level data for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. It will also be used to plan and execute indoor residual spraying activities for the President’s Malaria Initiative.
Want to learn more? Read about the initiative to map with Young African Leaders, and how Open Mapping can support the Sustainable Development Goals.
Mappers across Africa share data with their leaders was originally published in Points of Interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.