Modern business intelligence (BI) is more than charts and graphs. Need to identify insurance policyholders in a storm’s path? Compare spending and pedestrian traffic to optimize store locations? Plan delivery routes to avoid traffic and minimize fuel consumption? Mapbox makes answering these questions visual and interactive.
The examples below show how Mapbox integrates behind-the-scenes with BI tools. Every element – from the APIs and libraries to the maps and UIs – can be customized to match any application or dashboard. The code is open on GitHub if you want to see how the pieces fit together.
Comparing across datasets
With spatial data, analysis is often easier on a map. Tristen baked data from Census Reporter and GeoJSON county polygons into a Mapbox tileset using our Upload API. The data is queried with the Surface API, binned by Turf’s turf-hex-grid
function, and styled on the fly with Mapbox GL JS, all while keeping labels on top of data.
Darker hexes show higher population density and income. You can change the hex size and use the polygon tool to show data for particular areas.
Querying custom areas
If you’re working with massive datasets, it may not make sense to display everything at once. BI platforms paired with geo-optimized databases like MemSQL and IBM Cloudant, which use Mapbox for their visualizations, can crunch millions of points with dense attributes. Mapbox lets you query and analyze only the data you need.
This example shows every tree in Manhattan from New York City’s annual tree census. When you draw a shape on the map, Mapbox GL Draw generates a GeoJSON polyline that’s passed to Turf’s turf-within
function to return a subset of trees with data on diameter, species, and condition.
Looking to level-up the geospatial capabilities in your BI toolkit? Ping me on Twitter at @mtirwin or drop us a line at Check out our Tableau maps page for other great examples of Mapbox integrations with BI platforms.