Want to learn more about using Mapbox in Tableau? This Thursday’s edition of Tableau’s weekly webinar, Think Data Thursday, is all about Mapbox integration. Check out details on Tableau’s site.
Tableau Zen Masters Anya A'Hearn and Allan Walker along with Mapbox guru Chris Toomey will show off what’s possible now and with the new code-free integration set to launch with Tableau 9.2. They’ll teach the basics of map styling in Mapbox, how to add your custom maps to Tableau, and how to build a Tableau layer switcher. Chris will give a sneak peek of Mapbox integration with Tableau’s mobile app, Vizable.
Anya and Allan built a Skyfall-themed Mapbox basemap with a Tableau flight-tracking overlay.
Want Mapbox maps in your Tableau visualizations? Drop us a line at enterprise@mapbox.com.