I'm headed to San Francisco, CA, this week to join other developers, designers, scientists, educators, and even astronauts at the Teaching Mars Hackathon.
Where Curiosity May Roam, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Jointly organized by Mozilla, KQED, and Bay Area digital media studios MX & Spine Films -- this open house hackathon will explore Mars-colonization and education themes, with an emphasis on open source tools.
"The red planet is the next frontier in human imagination."
As a developer who is fascinated by Mars and passionate about open source, I'm excited to take part in the hackathon. Who knows what apps, or maps, will come out of the hackathon -- perhaps a Mars version of MapBox Earth?
MapBox Mars iOS App Mockup
Hit me up on twitter (@hrwgc) if you want to chat about maps or Mars during the week.