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Africa terrain update


Our terrain across Africa now has 200% more detail.

Virunga Mountains, DR Congo (SRTM 90m vs. SRTM 30m)

Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (SRTM 90m vs. SRTM 30m)

Mount Meru, Tanzania (SRTM 90m vs. SRTM 30m)

Lake Empakaai, Tanzania (SRTM 90m vs. SRTM 30m)

We processed this from the new SRTM 30 meter global elevation data just released to the public by NASA, the US Geological Survey, and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Previously only 90 meter resolution had been available outside of the United States.

Expect further updates to South America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Australia to begin showing up within a week. These future updates will also equates to a 200% improvement in detail.

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