DroneDeploy’s cloud-based drone management and imagery processing makes it simple to plan a mapping mission, launch the UAV, collect imagery, transmit data to the cloud for processing, and receive high resolution imagery products in a web browser. DroneDeploy’s developers are using the new Mapbox Upload API to upload finished ortho imagery products to mapbox.com, where they can integrate the data into their web application via our Javascript API, mapbox.js.
DroneDeploy’s application includes an imagery viewer where users can explore their imagery, see changes over time, and understand context through data overlays from Mapbox Streets and other vector data. Take a look at their web application in action:
DroneDeploy’s web application allows users to swipe through images captured on different dates.
I will be blogging more about the Upload API in a few weeks as we look to open this up to a wider audience. Ping me on Twitter if you want to talk about mapping and imagery collection with drones.