Hello Austin! Just landed with Garrett for a few days at SXSW. We are presenting tomorrow on “Beyond Dots on a Map: The Future of Mapping Tweets”, which is basically me showing off the awesome design of mapping 3 Billion Tweets work by Eric Fisher + the great UI by Tom MacWright.
My co-presenter, Ian Cairns from our friends @Gnip, will talk about where all this Twitter data came from, sharing hand-drawn blueprints of what the geodata in the Twitter firehose looks like, and talking about how Gnip approaches building APIs for companies to then filter this huge pile of data.
We only have 3 days...
Most importantly, we will be eating BBQ and drinking Shiner for the next 3 days. As this is Garrett’s first time to Austin, our friend Connor Montgomery at Pinterest made a board of all the BBQ joints we need to hit up.
If you want to talk maps, get a peek on some of the latest stuff we are working on with routing and vector terrain, or want to just drink, hit us up on Twitter at @Mapbox or just ping me (@ericg) and Garrett (@heyitsgarrett). And if you’re just feeling the need for BBQ, you know where to find us.