We’re at ONA19 in New Orleans this year! The Online News Association conference is one of the largest conferences for online journalism in the country. We’re excited to be able to participate, support journalists, and showcase some of the cool new tools we’ve been working on. Journalism is a key to democracy and accountability, and we believe it’s crucial for us as a company to be present and collaborate with the journalism community.
Who you will meet
We’ve got some of our best people attending the conference:

Lo Bénichou — our interactive dev and in-house journalist.

Lemuel H. Thornton III — Technical Account Manager and all-around journalists stan.

Ivan Ramisca — Solution Architect Engineer at Mapbox

And last but not least, Rebecca Woerner — our wonderful field marketing expert.
Where you can find us
Listen in on one of our sessions, or stop by our table in the Midway to learn more about visualizing stories with interactive maps. Lo and Lem will be speaking in the following sessions:

In the session on Friday, Lo and Lem will present a 15-minute demo on our new template created to make storytelling maps more accessible to non-coders. After the session the template will be open source and available to all.

Still looking for us? Download the Guidebook app and check out ONA19’s guide and select the Explore NOLA tab. You’ll be directed to a curated selection of attractions, restaurants, and more easily accessible from the conference center. The map style was designed just for ONA in Mapbox Studio by Madison Draper, and the app was made by Lo using Mapbox GL JS and the Matrix API.

We’re excited to be a part of this conference and to continue to support journalists in their vital work. If you are working on projects or want to meet our team, come find us!
Find us at ONA19 was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.