A world fit for Arthur Morgan
A Guest Post by: Lee Martin
Like millions of others, I have been enjoying Rockstar Game’s latest installment in the Red Dead Redemption series: Red Dead Redemption 2. Apart from the deep narrative, incredible visuals, and deadeye gameplay, I was struck by all the energy put into the user interface and in particular the game map.
Rockstar’s fictional United States spans five states and many major cities including one inspired by my home: New Orleans (or in the game, Saint Denis.) Being an avid fan of Mapbox and an amateur at their Studio product, I thought it would be fun to redesign the actual world map in the style of the game map.
I started by looking at the elements that made up the game, then building it from the ground up. First I used my favorite design tool, Figma, to sample some colors from a series of game shots. I then matched the font to open-source Google fonts, and customized existing Maki icons to create the game’s map icons. This gave me the design guidelines to follow.
Here’s just a preview of the final design, which you can add to your account to start building with now.
Want more? Read this step-by-step guide on how I built it and how to build your own. Look out for a Mapbox Live session in the beginning of January where Amy Lee Walton and I will build it live and answer all of your questions.
Lee Martin (@leemartin) | Twitter
Building a map inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2 was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.