By: John Dombzalski
Atlas now ships with Studio. Just like the cloud-based Mapbox Studio you’re used to, you now have complete design control to create beautiful, custom maps — entirely offline and secure.
With Studio in Atlas, you can combine multiple styles into a single basemap, allowing you to use WMTS endpoints to connect other desktop, web, and mobile clients. Custom tilesets in Studio will enable you to add all your vector data into the style itself — giving you fast, performant maps at 60 fps. That means you can even use tools like Tippecanoe to turn 40 GB of GeoJSON into a single 2 GB MBTiles file, letting your explore massive datasets.
Custom map styles aren’t just aesthetically pleasing; they help analysts understand data better. US Government agencies like the FCC use Studio to create a custom styled map to highlight broadband coverage and availability across the United States. USGS custom styles their maps to accentuate live earthquake data. Even NOAA uses the flexibility of Studio to bring data to the top, allowing them to overlay street and city labels on top of live radar data giving them the context they need in a crisis.
Get in touch with our team to find out how you can get started visualizing your datasets securely on-premises with Studio in Atlas.
Designing maps offline on private infrastructure: Studio in Atlas was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.