By: Greg Lemon
Our Maps SDK for Unity lets you generate a city using our rich location, building, and road data. Now, we’re adding a realistic style with reflections, high resolution textures, and physically-based rendering techniques. All of this combines to make beautiful, hyper-realistic cities.
To create these effects, we added support of Unity’s physically based rendering pipeline. This simulates how materials react to light in the real world. The new pipeline enables us to use albedo, metallic roughness, normal, and occlusion maps. With this, we can create a new set of high-resolution architectural textures that transform a city.

We can push the look even further through the use of use reflection probes, skyboxes, fog, screen-space ambient occlusion, anti-aliasing, and bloom.
Developers can easily extend this style and build their own. We’ll be shipping this and more in the next major release. Not building with our Maps SDK for Unity yet? Sign up for an account and get started.
Bring realistic styles to Unity was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.