By: Eric Gundersen
We’re bringing people building amazing location tech together at Locate, May 30–31st in San Francisco. Pier 27 will be converted into a two-day event; +500 people that build real stuff. From maps for machines to visualizing big data to augmented reality to Robocar racing.
We set aside 25 free tickets for students and folks that are not doing this as their day job but because they love working on crazy stuff. Just reach out to by April 16th telling us (in no more than two paragraphs) why you want to come and what you are working on to qualify for one of the free tickets.
For everyone else, there’s still time to get our Early Bird tickets at just $375. Pricing goes up May 1st.
Have more questions about pricing for students or nonprofits? Check this out.
Scholarships for Locate = $0 was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.