Improving the safety and UX of the mobile driving experience
By: Anna Staley
Mobile phones have become the preferred device for navigation, entertainment, and communication for many people while driving, which presents serious safety concerns. Also, switching between multiple apps for each service isn’t an ideal user experience. This problem inspired Bosch SoftTec GmbH — a subsidiary of German electronics and engineering company Bosch — to launch its consumer-facing Bosch Driving App. This is exciting new territory for Bosch, who is the largest automotive tier one supplier in the world, dealing primarily with OEMs.
The Bosch Driving App ( combines all major phone functions into a single app: navigation, music, messaging, contacts, and more. Drivers use voice control to access all of the app’s features, providing a safer way to engage while on the road.

Bosch SoftTec used our Navigation SDK for Android to build turn-by-turn navigation natively into the app because it was the only solution that could work seamlessly with the app’s other key functions. The design team also used Mapbox Studio to create custom map designs consistent with the company’s brand.

Dr. Gerrit de Boer, Director, Product Division Smartphone and Cloud Solutions told us “Everything we wanted to do was possible”.
Bosch just launched the Driving App for Android in the Play Store in Germany, but stay tuned for an iOS version in 2018. Our Navigation SDKs provide all the tools you need to build custom navigation experiences for your app and control the user experience. Have questions? Reach out to our sales team.
The Bosch Driving App was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.