By: Mikel Maron
Marena Brinkhurst joins the Mapbox team in San Francisco. As a member of our Community team, she supports non-profits, social ventures, and other organizations using Mapbox tools for projects having a positive social and environmental impact.
Before joining Mapbox, Marena worked to secure customary and indigenous land rights in Africa and Asia with the non-profit Namati. She also facilitated participatory planning efforts with indigenous communities in Canada. Her work has taken her to far reaching places in Liberia, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Nepal, and Myanmar, where she helped local organizations design and implement community mapping programs. She’s spent a lot of time on the ground gathering data via Land Rover, dugout canoe, and a dusty pair of trekking boots.
When not in the office or traveling the globe, Marena loves to be as close to the ocean as possible.
Welcome to the team, Marena!
Marena Brinkhurst joins Mapbox! was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.