Finding the fastest route for a multi-stop trip
By: Karen Shea
Our Optimization API now supports a feature that allows you to indicate which coordinates are pickup points and which are drop-off points. Now — in addition to giving you the fastest route for a multi-stop trip — the Optimization API will ensure the resulting route will always visit pickups before drop-offs.
We built the Optimization API to power apps for on-demand delivery, transportation, and logistics services. This feature makes it possible for apps to first direct drivers to pickup points (e.g. packages or passengers) before heading to drop off points, while still optimizing the entire route.

See it in action
In the example below, we’ve set up a fictional courier service that delivers for taco, pizza, and noodle restaurants in Chicago. As new orders stream in, we poll the API for the fastest sequence in which to retrieve each order from the kitchen, and deliver it to the customer:
This API can serve as an ingredient for even more sophisticated optimizations, such as ones that also minimize the wait time for customers, or travel distance for the courier.
Cool, right? Play around with the demo, check out the docs, or say hi to our sales team to learn more about how we can work together on your logistics needs.
Optimizing pickups and drop-offs was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.