On Thursday, the US Census Bureau released the 2013 version of TIGER, its base map of the United States. Here is a first rendering of the new TIGER 2013 dataset. Changes in the 2013 edition are in yellow, changes between 2010 and 2012 are in cyan, changes made in the accuracy improvement push between 2006 and 2010 are in magenta, and data that hasn't changed since 2006 is in blue.
Most of the United States data in OpenStreetMap was originally imported from TIGER before being corrected and extended by thousands of mappers, so watching for changes to TIGER is a great way to find additional opportunities to improve OpenStreetMap.
The biggest changes in this version are additional detail about freeways in cities like New York, Boston, Baltimore, and Minneapolis, improvements that have already been made independently in OpenStreetMap. The more interesting changes from an OpenStreetMap perspective are to mountain roads that were previously badly aligned, small towns like Igiugig, Alaska that were barely on the map before, and areas of new development that haven't all made it onto the map yet.